Insurance, is online appointment booking right for you?




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An overloaded telephone secretariat, inefficient management of your employees' schedules, repetitive time wasting... What if you could simplify your appointment scheduling process? It is now possible by opting for an online solution. Easy to configure, the online appointment scheduling solution improves your productivity. Discover its many benefits.

Saving time

Online appointment booking saves you up to 75% of the time you'd spend on scheduling. A significant advantage: you can focus on other more important tasks, such as customer satisfaction.

From now on, customers no longer need to go to a branch or phone to make an appointment. All they have to do is go to your website to schedule their appointment.

24/7 availability for your customers

Availability is an important criterion for customers when choosing a service provider. In fact, 40% of appointments are made outside branch opening hours. Online booking allows you to be available 24/7. Branch opening hours are no longer an obstacle to making an appointment. Customers can choose the date and time slot that suits them best, without any restrictions, depending on the availability you have set.

Better productivity

Online appointment booking does not only save time and give you access to real-time availability. It also helps to eliminate 100% of duplicate bookings, thus increasing the productivity of your consultants.

In addition to double appointments, customers sometimes miss their appointments. This risk is reduced by 80% thanks to automatic reminders that can be sent by e-mail or SMS. This is an effective way of ensuring that your customers never forget their appointment, and saves you time in the process.

Optimal schedule management

It is easier to manage your consultants' schedules with an online management solution. With the choice of a daily, weekly or monthly view of appointments, it is much easier to organize your work. Advisors have access to all appointment information, so they know which customers they will meet and can prepare in advance.

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