The Agendize calendar: the corporate calendar




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With Agendize, you have in your hands the solution for managing your company's planning.

Let's focus on the calendar, which is the cornerstone of this new console: it offers the essential functions for optimizing your teams' productivity.


Better visualize the organization of my facilities

Several views are available, allowing you to visualize the planning of your company and its various sites as you wish.

  • the day view, which lets you focus on appointments from morning to evening of the selected day.
  • the week view, which offers a wider view but reduced information on appointments.
  • the calendar view, which lists only appointments for the selected week, without free slots.

We've further simplified access to appointment information: you can click directly on the appointment to see the details that interest you. Our interface allows users to view appointment details, make changes and even cancel if necessary. The aim of redesigning the console was to clarify the process for the user.


Features for greater comfort

With just two clicks, you can add the agenda of the collaborator you want to the features panel on the left of the calendar. This makes it easier to see how your colleagues are organized. Depending on the access rights you choose, your colleagues will also be able to see the organization of their colleagues.

With Agendize, you can synchronize your calendar with your favorite calendars (iCal, Outlook, Google) to make sure you're up to date with the organization of your various establishments.

An integrated mini-calendar makes it easy to select a date and navigate through time. With this practical feature, you can save time and plan quickly.

Finally, export your appointments in .xlsx format to improve the transmission and analysis of your schedule. You can identify important data to optimize your company's productivity, and create sales and marketing campaigns using the data collected.


In conclusion, the Agendize calendar is much more than just an online appointment scheduling tool. It's a complete time management solution for key accounts, offering flexibility and visibility. Explore the many features of the Agendize calendar today to enhance the customer and employee experience in your company.

Are you interested in our new console for managing your company's schedule? Don't hesitate to contact one of our consultants.

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